Current Issue (120 ج 3) [October -2019], volume 30

Title author paper
The impact of the interaction between the tracking pattern and the technology of integration with augmented reality technology on the development of c... د/أشرف محمد البرادعي... download
دور الجامعة في تحقيق أبعاد المواطنة الرقمية لدى طلابها في ضوء التحديات المعاصرة (دراسة تحليلية) محمد فكري فتحي صادق download
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program Based on Active Learning and Neural Branching Thinking in Developing Levl of Maths Students teacher’s perform... سامية حسنين عبدالرحم... download
Mindfulness and its Relationship with Need for Cognition and Academic Engagement of Higher Studies Students حسني زكريا السيد الن... download
دور الالتزام التنظيمي في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي في الجامعات الليبية خيرية محمد بن عصمان download
Evaluating the content of the science course for the first intermediate grade in the light of it fulfillment for student’s health needs محمد بن علي الـمُحيّ... download
Professional competencies required for university faculty members in the curriculum and methods of teaching Islamic Education in the light of the exec... مهدية بنت صالح بن خل... download
Stressful life events And level of Job satisfaction As Projectors of psyclological Burn-out in Female Teachers of students with Intellectual Disabl... د / مني كمال أمين عب... download
Interaction between the patterns of Gamification (points / leaderboard) and Learning Style (Ambiguity / Non-ambiguity) and Its Effect on Developing Di... Dr. Nabil El-Sayed M... download
Title: Social anxiety and its relationship to self-esteem and emotional stability (among a sample of anxiety patients) download
Educational requirements necessary to achieve a model university environment based on Ergonomics approach (Human engineering) download
Using Inverted Instruction for enhancing the oral performance of EFL pre-service teachers Randa M. Safyeddin K... download
Spousal Violence and its Relation to Self-Compassion in Light of Some Demographic Variables download
Incorporating Cognitive Strategy Instruction Models and Action Research into Professional Development to Enhance EFL Reading and Writing Instruction Dr. Walaa M. El-Hena... download