The current study aimed to improve performance on the tasks of theory of mind among hearing-impaired children by revealing the extent of the effectiveness of the training program in improving performance on the tasks of theory of mind among these children, and the current study acquires the importance of shedding light on an important aspect of personality for this group, which is the social aspect And emotional support for them, and assisting parents and professionals in the field of special education on how to communicate effectively with these children; This helps them alleviate their behavioral problems, as well as providing a tool to measure the performance of hearing-impaired children on the tasks of theory of mind, and making use of scientific theories and concepts in preparing training programs that include many skills to improve performance on tasks of theory of mind. Where many researchers and professionals in the field of hearing impairment, which is the most important characteristics of the hearing impaired, emphasized their inability to interact with those around them as a result of the failure of others to understand “their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, intentions, and beliefs,” which falls under the name (theory of mind). This study designed several training sessions aimed at improving performance on the tasks of theory of mind among hearing-impaired children on a sample of children with hearing impairments consisting of "7" children between the ages of "9-12" years to know their performance on theoretical tasks Mind, and the researcher used a set of tools in the current study, including "general data from the family, a form for observing the child's behavior (through the family / teachers), the scale of the theory of mind tasks for hearing-impaired children, in addition to the proposed training program to improve performance on tasks The theory of mind among a sample of children with hearing impairment, and the results of the study concluded that "there is a statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the degrees of pre-measurement and post-measurement in the scale of the theory of mind tasks for hearing-impaired children at a level of (0.05) in favor of the post-measurement after applying the program. The results of the study also concluded that "there is no statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the degrees of the post-measurement and the tracer measurement in the scale of the theory of mind tasks for children with hearing disabilities."
