The research aimed to identify the extent of applying the administrative creativity strategies at the administrative leadership in the organizations ,in the light of Saudi kingdom vision 2030. The strategies included following fields: (Fluency, Flexibility, Authenticity, Sensitivity to problems, Analysis, The Risk, Out of the ordinary). The study had used the descriptive analysis method, and applied on sample from the government, and private leaderships for the organizations in Riyadh city. Their number was ( 100) leaders, by used the tool of study (Questionnaire) which contained (7) main axes. It was confirmed from its reliable and stability, and used the Statistical Package Program (spss) for the data analysis. The results showed, (high) level in applying administrative creativity strategies at the administrative leadership in the organizations ,in the light of Saudi kingdom vision 2030. Its means was ( 4.19 from 5). Except the strategy of (Analysis) axis, and (Out of the ordinary) axis, because these axes get (low) level in applying the administrative creativity strategies from the leaderships' point of view. Finally, the study presented some special recommendations which attribute to the results.
