The current study aimed to improve some executive functions of a sample of children with hearing impairment by revealing the extent of the effectiveness of the training program in improving some of their executive functions, and the current study gains importance in providing a deeper understanding of executive functions by reviewing relevant previous studies and preparing a scale Executive functions, and proposing a training program aimed at improving some executive functions of the hearing-impaired. The hearing-impaired child has deficiency or lack of executive functions, although he has the ability to act in a specific situation, but he is unable to implement or perform this behavior in this situation; Thus, by improving his executive functions, we can make the disabled child able to form perceptions and knowledge of his personal behavior and the behavior of others, and this study has designed several training sessions aimed at improving some executive functions of children with hearing impairment on a sample of children with hearing impairment. 8 Children whose ages range between 9-12 years. The researcher used a set of tools in the current study, including “Measure of Executive Functions of Hard-Hearing Children”, in addition to the proposed training program to improve some executive functions of a sample of children with disabilities Acoustically, and the results of the study concluded that “there is a statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the scores of the pre and post measurements of the study group on the scale of executive functions of children with hearing impairments in favor of the post measurement.” It also concluded that “there is no statistically significant difference between The mean ranks of the scores for the telemetry and tracer measurements of the study group, on the scale of executive functions in children with hearing impairments.
